Sample Posts on Covid
Corona Psyop
Pfizer Expert
Vaccines mRNA
Phase Contrast Microscopy
Corona information gathered from 2020, inc. end 2021: See other Posts under this MENU Page 'Corona Clampdown' for 2022 and 2023 findings by investigative journalists, doctors and epidemiologists, lawyers. #pharmageddon #vaccines #biotechtopia #bioweapons
Tyranny in Australia
November 2021: Australia has introduced camps for the unvaccinated. Tests in sewers are said to have found 'Coronavirus'. Indigenous Australians, Aboriginals have been rounded up and ensconced in a camp.
Protests World Wide November 2021
UPDATE November 2021: Due to rise in cases in Europe, Austria declares lockdown for unvaccinated. Germany even talks of enforced vaccinations (media chatter). Belgium protestors against mandatory vaccines.
UPDATE July 2021 - lockdowns still in southern hemisphere!
[Author note: This post information below was collected during Summer 2020 researching the origins of Covid 19: the numerous patents, the pre planning and the data on diagnosis and mortality shown by many statistics to be grossly misleading due to the WHO guidelines on diagnosis and the misleading PCR tests.]
Bio-weapon - Big Pharma Experiment and Hoax Control Operation
August 2020 - Strange clampdowns the world over now in process, even imprisonment. Australians on severe lockdown. New Zealand to introduce quarantine hotels after only a few new cases. Nothing like this has been imposed before. More people are beginning to think enforced social distancing, contact tracing and mask wearing is social engineering of an evil kind.
The extent of infringement of personal freedom, caused by lockdowns and now mandatory masks (UK, July 2020) is being discussed by many free alternative journalists. It seems wrong that governments can make declarations for these orders, when medical professionals are explaining how dangerous masks are. [find surgeon doc video]
The outcome for big pharma is hoped to be mass vaccination for mass profiteering. Meanwhile, a huge fraud is being uncovered about patenting coronaviruses. Either it is a natural disease and you cannot patent something natural, OR it is manufactured disease so it is legal to patent, but that would make it an illegal bioweapon.
Doctors are describing patients having symptoms they have never seen before; not pneumonia, as one New York doctor describes what he can only formulate would be altitude sickness.
Gates declares there can be no normal until the entire planet is vaccinated. The horse race is on for a new vaccine, even as doctors and virologists are querying new untested RNA vaccines which will alter genetics. [link] Its no wonder people are believing Gates Foundation is trying to inject us for mind control.
Decisions about Covid clampdown operations appear to have come down from the WHO with governments going along with the plan. Neither can we trust Dr Fauci of the CDC Center for Disease Control the organisation which condoned DDT, a poison. See Dr. Martin below. [new link too]
Video shorties - WHO, CDC, from Plandemic series
UK health ministers also seem to go along with the CDC model, to be encouraging fast development and uptake of vaccines. In short space of time 90m have been ordered. They also have interests in big pharma companies; Chris Witty having worked at the board level of Glaxo Smith Kline during a period they paid out $billions in damages
June 2020... COVID narrative highly critical of governments' actions and statistics interpretations.
Many doctors are speaking out against the viability of face masks and others finding anomalies in the Covid deaths-data. Meanwhile governments are suggesting Covid will flare up again, and that 'social distancing' must continue in some form. Masks (Part 2) - The Reasons They Want us to Wear Them" Vernon Coleman has numerous daily videos on the political mess of Corona-crisis; medical implications; faked statistics; and the implications for our futures. His website has dozens of video reports on Coronovirus crazyness. Mask wearing is completely sinister, and designed to make people suspicious of each other. Its unhealthy. Vernon knows its part of a global scam of fear to set people up for further control. "Face Masks: Ending the Confusion - Dr. Vernon Coleman"
UK 1st April 2020, UK on lockdown
As the Coronavirus pandemic spreads, so does the propaganda. The truth of the matter is that 'coronaviruses' are present in many types of colds and flu. Figures of all flu deaths may be manipulated as Corvid19 by those who would wish to show the disease worse than it is. (see W.H.O. criteria on death by Corvid-19). The concocted SARS-Cov-2 certainly will damage and kill those with poor lung conditions, many of whom live in industrialised areas like Wuhan and Northern Italy.
Image copyright VCG -
1st May 2020, UK still on lockdown...
Prof. Boyle is convinced Covid-19 is a bio weapon end of April 2020 interview
He calls for Fauci to be imprisoned for violating his 'Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism Act 1989' " He is convinced the evil mad scientists are like the original Nazis, with no qualms about bio weapons. Boyle went to Harvard and mixed with the future globalists, using Kissinger's office, purposefully noting how everything was run. A hero of his time now banned from You Tube, BBC, etc. Considering his long career, he appears totally trustworthy.
"I would get him convicted hands down slam dunk before a jury and sentenced to life imprisonment." ~ Prof Francis Boyle
Prof. Boyle been interviewed by many whilst having his videos removed on YouTube. He has highlighted the virus is "basically SARS which is already a weaponised version of Coronavirus, with a 'gain of function properties' which allows easier spread, easier contagion.
Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring. China paid the University of North Carolina to increase the original pathogenicity of SARS, using biological cells from Fort Dietrik, the cecnter of the US Biological Defence Program. They also paid the Australian Animal Heath Laboratory to "DNA genetically engineer SARS and HIV to make a weapon." They bought the technology and brought it back to their lab in Wuhan.
Many respected web journalists are talking about the hype and panic around the virus, how government control may be overblown in comparison to how many die annually of flu in any case. More importantly is how it maybe to instigate more vaccine control; even with nano-chips, advocated by Bill Gates who boasts the ability to reduce populations. The only reason the WHO would have for giving such loose death diagnosis guidelines, as 'probable', 'unknown' 'suspected' is if they wanted larger numbers reported, to fit in with Neil Ferguson's original 'models' of pandemic spread, from Imperial College.
Appendix: Academic Papers Mentioned: 1, The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCOV contains a fruin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade 2. SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronavirus pose threat for human emergence 3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry.
New York Death Sentence - by Peerless Reads - Video
“Finally we reach a point where everything becomes remarkably clear, again - and not just because reviewing the Imperial College report has reignited my anger at the initial fraud. No, their own data reveals an astonishing and simple fact: the best treatment for the Covid-19 pandemic (or political games) is to move your country away from one of the three western power centres: NY City, London and Brussels. Practical? Sadly not... in which case, watch this, share the heck out of it, and stock up on pitchforks.”
Peerless Reads Youtube channel is using government data to explore the rise and fall of Covid-19 through governments' own numbers and the graphs, to expose potential fraud. Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College caused fake prognostics for the spread of the disease; all encouraged by Bill Gates. Statistics seem to be created to fit his model which he has admitted is a wrong algorithm
Covid-19 - Standard Tour - Graphics (no sound)
Covid 19 - Chart Update - 11th July Data - Includes New York
Covid-19 - Chart and Stats Essentials
Covid-19 - Chart Graphs Update Suitable for Investigative Analysis
Covid-19 - Standard Tour - 11th July 2020 - No Sound
Covid-19 - Peak Fraud
Associated Video slides on website here
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American Society of Biology
SARS-Cov (first) 2007 characteristics. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus as an Agent of Emerging and Remerging Infection. University of Hong Kong. Intro about SARS. Virology.
Philogenetic separations of the virus, show numerous chimeric origins. Phylogenetic tree of 28 coronaviruses includes: Group 1a,1b - racoon dog; Group 2a human, porcine, bovine, giraffe, antelope, murine, human-like; Group 2b, 2d,2c, - bat, civet, human-like; Group 3a, 3b -peafowl, partridge, asian leopard cat. - Vol.20, 2007 Page 661
James Lyons-Wieler (Dr. Jack), expert in phylogenetics founder and CEO of the Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, was early to analyse the situation, saying virus SARS-CoV-2 (disease Corvid19) is an RNA virus which has a higher mutation rate in every person.
NOTES from Dr. Wieler interview with Mike Adams: The Chinese couldn’t analyse RNA sequence to Coronavirus. Dr. Wieler found vector technology match to pShuttle-SN, a part of sequence which no scientist could identify. Chinese published sequence in 2005, in national database. University of North Carolina downloaded the sequence from a bat, and 3 others from a bat. The UNC team reconstructed a virus from those, thinking it was SARS, but didn’t know what they had. There was a characteristic 'protein motif' pattern, (with known or expected function) in the spiked protein, a signature unique to Coronavirus. (code names he gives). To prove this sequence can be harnessed from the wild, he needs to find the same characteristic spiked protein motif, to prove it comes from the wild, "but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t laboratory released". Bioengineers could have sourced this from the wild years ago, then re-engineered.
"Chances are billion-fold-to-one" you would ever get this naturally; especially considering there were 4 other SARS escapes from Wuhan BSL-4 lab in the past.

Philogenetic range of SARS-CoV NOTES: Diagram from (get link) Use inserted gallery for diagrams, images, stand alone.
James Lyons-Wieler: Unbreaking Science - ENDING THE PANDEMIC EPISODE 1: CDC's Deadly testing Fiasco: Fascism, Profiteering, Both?
Dr Jack - regular site updates.
Dr. Paul Cottrell - (mathematician studying microbiology)
Interview with Stefan Molyneux: Experiments were being done since 2010 with bat host tweeked with HIV. Dr. Cottrell observed on NIH Database, that China used 'Spike protein' (which enables the amino acids to lock onto receptors), they used HIV. ('gain of function' - which increases contagion)
Three Indian journalists published a paper showing what they did at Wuhan. Nature journal reported in 2015 that a bat virus had been engineered at the University of North Carolina (UNC): "Lab-made coronavirus related to SARS can infect human cells."
One of the leaders in this project was Shi Zhengli-Li; she used to work at the University of North Carolina, and obtained US Research Grants, but then became head of Wuhan BSL-4 Bio-Lab.
Global Pandemic Exercise 201
Whether on purpose or by accident, the techtopians are using Coronavirus to instigate more control, more vaccines, in a world run by big-pharma, for ever more profiteering.
October 18th, 2019 in New York, the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 – “A Global Pandemic Exercise” which is a simulation of a pandemic. “The 5G powered 8K TV and VR system will also be used for the first time” (Expect more promotions for 5G)
Both the UN and China had simulations for a pandemic in October 2019. ‘Event 201’ includes the UN (since the WEF now has a partnership agreement with UN), Big Pharma (Johnson and Johnson), Bill Gates (key figure in pushing vaccines, human microchipping and Agenda 2030) and both China and America’s CDC. Undercover operation maybe? Video of pandemic simulation ('Event 201' in NYC) predicts outcomes - decision makers declare clamp down on conspiratorial social media, and needing one body to tell truth and medical marshal law.
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus triggers debate discussing the risks of 'gain of function' research ~ The Scientist
(Research on 'gain of function' applies to a virus which can spread more rapidly, was banned, so this infringes global agreements.)
Ralp Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (November 9th) published a study on his team's efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHCO14 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the teams results, which were published in Nature Medicine
David Icke sees far into the origins and plans of such a pandemic, broadcasting regularly
- Sanity Amid the Madness, Acquiescence, and Sheer Stupidity (Devastating information)
- Coronovirus: What is really going on? David Icke talks to Jimmy Church.
- Fiddling the Figures - The Magic Trick - David Icke 'Virus' Update
Whats Up With The Italian Mortality Rate? The Corbett Report - (Update May) Questions for Corbett
Figures being disguised as all being for Coronavirus as death cause, but could be 'with' Coronavirus' while other causes are present in the elderly.
Many are now aware that globally the WHO diagnosis for Covid is very beguiling. Their code RAO1.1. to be used where clinical diagnosis of COBID-19 is 'suspected or probable', or 'unavailable':-"In ICD-11, the code for the confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 is RAO1-0 and the code for the clinical diagnosis (suspected or probable) of COVID-19 is RAO1.1."
Market comparisons with pandemics in past years. - Tierney Real News Network.
In 2010 Rockefeller Foundation wrote a scenario around a future pandemic of 2012 described exactly as Covid-19 has panned out.
Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development which describes: ‘Lockstep’ - 'A world of tighter top-down government control, and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback’
Website with video reading from Rockefeller Foundation document. [ - to link to Page on Foundation]
Dr. Knut Wittkowski Video - Believes lockdown not the best measure. Give herd immunity a chance.
Add June2020 Prof. Kaufman on Corbett about masks.
Corona Crisis - May 2020
Dr. David E Martin takes a staunch stand (Video) to bring action against CDC, NIAID and Fauci for illegal commercial activities with patented viruses, and illegal domestic terrorism. Discussed 13.05.20 with John Michael Chambers interview" Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by CDC."
"The patenting of human gene is illegal. 2003"
"The CDC owned not only SARS, but the ability to detect it."
“…commercial activity with an illegal act, in violation of the Sherman Act.”
“It appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material was illegal, the CDC and National Institute of Allergy and infectious Diseases led by Anthony Fauci (hereinafter “NIAID” and “Dr. Fauci”, respectively) entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with Ecohealth Alliance Inc.) and with foreign nations, specifically the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences) through the 2004 National Institutes of Health Grant R01AI110964 to exploit their patent rights.” ~ Dr. David E Martin
The writer takes an interest in this disease, having been telephone 'diagnosed' with Covid by UK Emergency health call 111. A very unusual situation whereby we are not allowed access to our doctor as usual, only to a vague advice line that just has a list of symptoms to tick off; collecting tracking statistics, including questions about previous travel and guests in house. As to any reality of contracting the 'Coronavirus/Corvid-19', (if such was the case) it can only be described as an alien invading force which with effect of 'elephant on chest' with strange fire burning through pulmonary arteries, to my estimation like something attacking the system; with fever, disorientation and exhaustion on activities; aggravated on eating.
Video lists to add... from File/ 'Coronavirus Reports Various and Online Journalists