Prof Yuval Harari website:
"History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods"
AI Dreamer Technocrats - Free will is over
"..The idea that humans have soul, spirit, free will… that’s over.”
"For the first time in history we have the power to basically hack human beings...
If you have enough data and you have enough computing power, you can understand people better than they understand themselves, and then you can manipulate them…
in ways which were previously impossible...and in such a way the old democratic system stops functioning. We need to reinvent democracy for this new era in which humans are now hackable animals. ~ Prof. Yuval Harari, History, Hebrew University.
So humans are considered 'animals' by techtopians! Maybe because the transhumanist dream would produce 'beings' with robotic stupidity.
“No Soul, No Free Will" - The End of Humanity
Video Introduction: Christian Westbrook @IceAgeFarmer
"The idea that humans have free will, or a soul -- these are over!" Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no longer your decisions to make as the elites openly celebrate that they now know better and exercise near perfect control over our lives. We still have the opportunity to NOT comply en masse with this rewrite of humanity -- but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW. ~
![Uplift Human Consciousness [image screenshot Brian Rose London Real video]](https://synthetic-agenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Uplift-Human-Consciousness-2023-11-20-003-cropped-edited-900.jpg)
'Dreamers' working in AI are obsessed with dominance and the 'end game' for total control, and some follow the transhumanist philosophy to merge with silica. Daniel Schmachtenberger tells what he knows of AI developers and the corporations using it The Wide Boundary Impacts of AI (July 2024).
[Contd. from Synthetic Agenda Post Demonic AI, which covers first part of the video interview. Quotes from actual interview, selected for sense making]. Daniel is very sceptical and sarcastic on the entire AI situation.
The tech philosophers:
"... you'll hear Nick Bostrom say publicly recently there are lots of reasons to prefer to be digital than biological. Biological things die and suffer and are limited and only work on this planet. AI things can work in space and be eternal and become digital gods."
The idea of AI as a god is a demonic idea. These tech twits want to live forever. A reason why they want to kill half the population. We die so new humankind live and develop.
Ted Chu - Book: 'Transhumanism and the Human Potential':
"there's this kind of religious narrative of humans ascending into Angels or higher selves or overmens [ubermensche] or gods or something like that, and AI and synthetic bio and brain computer interface is what actually delivers that, where we can do whole brain emulation and upload our Consciousness onto the cloud and move from being slime based computational systems to crystallin based computational systems that can, you know, live forever. So that 'wackadoodle' metaphysical idea is pretty universal and dominant in the AI acceleration space"
Dreamers believe it will be better to exist in some silicon system, than in 'slime based' natural biology. Reductionist dreamers believe we evolved essentially as computational systems, and so would be better off as cloud based consciousness!
"Earth life started to emerge somehow and then somewhere after life, around neural network, something called Consciousness emerged and it emerged because of a complexity of computational process that's happening in neurons and it's because this hydrocarbon thing can do computation, that's the kind of computational Neuroscience models that everything that is happening in the body that matters is to support the brain and everything that's happening in the brain is basically to support computations and that it's computation running on this hydrocarbon i.e. slime based computational substrate and that as soon as we get adequately complex computational substrates on silica you can run the same thing..." !!
The Silicon boot-loader cult:
David Pierce at Oxford and Nick Bostrom have done more than anyone to create the transhumanist movement (cult) around Abolishionist Project with synthetic moral imperative to abolish pain and suffering. Hence humans must become digitalised, and not biomorphic. Elon Musk: "hydrocarbon life is probably the boot loader for silica life." BOOT-LOADER! Reductionist mindset.
".....by genetically engineering opioid receptors out of humans that could experience pain (and not just humans but all animals and all life, genetically engineering predation out of the universe) ...and of course once we can get past genetically engineering thats to just being computational beings that's the ideal [sarcasm] ...so if evolution selected for us to survive which meant lots of suffering, motivations not to be happy, or whatever; we can do better job now so if you hold that biology life is basically just happen stance, that was able to boot-load itself on this planet, right? ...It loaded first to be able to evolve to the human place to be able to make the silica system that will then take all the hydrocarbon life's atoms and repurpose it into the silica system. That's what it means that it's the boot-loader because silica didn't automatically self-organize on the surface of the Earth but hydrocarbons did and they figured out how to make the silica thing and then the silica will use all the atoms to make the thing it wants to make."
"...so the idea that we're the boot-loader - but that's awesome [sarcasm] because the hydrocarbon things basically just suffer and are very limited and have cognitive biases and are emotional and are kind of nasty and are limited to this planet which is going to be screwed, but the AI systems can go interplanetary and, you know, be digital Gods... "
"So you don't care about killing all life - actually it's a moral imperative to kill this thing and replace it with that other thing right?!"
Defence Dominance
"...I'm not still going to be able to control it but maybe I can merge with it - brain computer interface orienting towards whole brain emulation: but maybe I can control it and if I can control it then whoever gets to AGI first runs everything; so if you look at Alex Karp the CEO of Palentir which is AI applied to intelligence and Military capacities, his public talks recently: he says US has to get AGI dominance and then use that capacity to ensure that no one else ever gets it." !!
Motivated Reasoning
"...If anybody else gets there first not only are we losers forever, but we have no say in anything ever again because the AI will now run everything; so if I want, if I care about anything ever, the only play I have is get to AGI first and whatever I have to harm to get there first is worth it because then that's the only way I can do stuff.
That is kind of an ubiquitous argument and so why I say the motivated reasoning is everybody who makes that argument argues why it's inevitable we're going to get there. It'll probably be dystopic maybe it'll be utopic but I need to be the one to get there first because I'll make the least dystopic version for everybody."
Harari at Davos 2020
[To Add from The Great Reset book quotes from Harari - 'Sapiens']. PLUS Davos 2020 talk: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/yuval-hararis-warning-davos-speech-future-predications [yet to read]