Language hijacking and assimilation utilising meaning for Machiavellian purposes - a tool in the arsenal of the new world disorder.
Language is being changed to give an illusive meaning to general cultural understandings. Sometimes it describes the cult at the heart of any new world disorder project used to divide people by race and gender. Words like 'binary' gain more traction in the public domain, whilst meaningless to many: such terms also used as a distraction for gaining/gaming more 'rights' for new minorities. 'Human Resources' (HR) used to be referred to as 'Personnel Department'. It seemed strange to change it, but now we can understand it as a sign of the times that humans are viewed as a 'resource', rather than valuable people: also to facilitate the incoming AI 'synthetic resource'.
The Sapir-Worfe hypothesis
Reality is embedded in a culture’s language and that language then controls thought and cultural norms.

The entire concept of human understanding is being thwarted by reinventing language and destroying everlasting definitions
We see this with 'What is a woman' which a British politician inexplicably couldn't answer, nor people in American government. This is because everyone has been so mind controlled by warped social engineers to think 'politically correctly'; to avoid any potential insult to a certain group such as transgender sex changers, to the extent that guarding language has become a cult. People nowadays literally cannot express what they naturally know combined with what they think they must bow to that some language CANNOT BE SAID.
This is very dangerous for development of thought and language amongst youngsters, who might even ignore whole tranches of debate over crucial matters. Understanding of what it is to be human might even be changed over decades, in an era where artificial intelligence is projected, by some, to surpass human mental potential; moreover while transgenderism as 'a norm' is projected onto young males and females. Videos of early year children in schools are being taught and repeating the multiplicity of transgender language words. They will accept it as 'cultural norm' according to the Sapir-Worfe hypothesis.
Our whole system of values is being turned upside down. If the mad scientists' transhumanist agenda, coupled with AI, becomes 'the norm', then there could even be a time when the natural human mental condition will be occluded and any mystic reality of 'apothasis' will disappear. People may become more like automatons.


Greek pottery. Immortal gods drinking Ambrosia. From Ancient Origins site.
'Ambrosia' Food of the Gods - blood sacrifice
Ambrosia is known as tinned rice pudding in UK, but Peter Thiel of Silicon Valley has a company called Ambrosia, offering young blood at volume discount $12,000 for two litres. Ancient Greek meaning of Ambrosia is longevity or immortality.
'Founded in 2016 by Jesse Karmazin, an MD never licensed to practice medicine, Florida-based Ambrosia claims to be able to combat aging through infusions of blood plasma from younger people.'
Tech entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel, who co-founded PayPal and Palantir and said in 2014 he was taking human growth hormone in hopes of living to 120 or beyond, has expressed interest in Ambrosia and said of death, “I prefer to fight it.” ~
The disturbing and unsavoury question is: Where is the blood coming from? Accident deaths? Aborted foetuses? The current news in 2023 is of a vast child kidnapping schemes of young children, which could be involved.
Technocracy News: 'That practice is known as parabiosis, and, according to Thiel, it’s a potential biological Fountain of Youth–the closest thing science has discovered to an anti-aging panacea. Research into parabiosis began in the 1950s with crude experiments that involved cutting rats open and stitching their circulatory systems together' 'There are widespread rumors in Silicon Valley, where life-extension science is a popular obsession, that various wealthy individuals from the tech world have already begun practicing parabiosis, spending tens of thousands of dollars for the procedures and young-person-blood, and repeating the exercise several times a year. In our April 2015 interview, Thiel was seemingly explicit that parabiosis was something he hadn't "quite, quite, quite started yet."A Thiel Capital spokesman said nothing had changed since then.' ~Jeff Bercovici
'Ambrosia was said to come from the horn of a magical goat named Amalthea, the foster-mother of Zeus. The horns of Amalthea provided a limitless supply of ambrosia but were also capable of producing any kind of food for any kind of living being. White holy doves would carry the ambrosia and a large eagle with shiny wings would fly at an extraordinary speed through the sky where he would get the nectar and then bring it down to the baby Zeus'.
'It was said that ambrosia was used by the gods to cure diseases, fix scars, and make the body beautiful again. If dead people would be treated with ambrosia, their bodies would remain in perfect condition forever. In other references, we can see that ambrosia was abundant in the gardens of Hesperides. Hesperides were nymphs who tend to a blissful garden in the far western corner of the world, a place where ambrosia was brought to the God Zeus'. ~ John Black co-founder Ancient Origins

There are many historical references to elixir of life to attain immortality in Sumer, Egypt, China, Iran; also Biblical references to land of milk and honey and forbidden fruit from the Tree of Life. Scythians drank their enemy's blood. In Zoroastrian and Vedic mythologies, Soma or Haoma are plants which give immortality.
"We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered." Rig Veda 8.48.3
[We do not know to what they refer. Ancient 'visitor gods' may have knowledge of immortality]
It is interesting that lactose persistent gene reaches highest percentages in Northern Europe, whereas 90% of Africans and Asians are lactose intolerant.
Sophia - Hanson's AI Robot
Sophia - Greek - Wisdom
Sophiology - Russian - Divine Wisdom.
Of course Hanson Robotics wanted to use a 'wisdom' word for a robot to spout 'information'. This is NOT wisdom, but regurgitation of data. 'Sophia' is being written using the female pronoun 'her'. A robot cannot be assigned a gender!
'Sophia' as a name was chosen to infer a divine meaning to robotics, all the while they state no belief in any divinity for the robotic age. The robot loving transhumanist cabal still like to hijack words of 'divine meaning'.

GRACE - A 'caring' Robot Nurse - another hijack of language meaning
'Grace' has been carefully chosen to imply a robot feels kindness of human empathy, or divinity of purpose. Its a complete antithesis to 'caring' given to a machine programmed to give synthetic 'empathic' care to sick and elderly. Instating robots to 'care' is psychological fraud on the vulnerable. It will not take any 'sentient' visual clues which are so important in treating patients. It will feel no divine mission for life.
'Grace' will only 'reiterate' responses taught, from clues in the patient's sentences, which might be indiscernible in very ill people. Responses could therefore be irrelevant to an individual. All patients will be 'the same' to a robotic program. All the money spent on R & D could be paid to nurses who want to spend time on empathic work.
'Grace' – Hanson Robotics 'Nurse'

Grace and Sophia will go into mass production end 2021-2022; no doubt to replace basic nursing (take temperatures) when half of medical staff have left their jobs unvaxxed. They could be sent on the streets as health squads to take populations' temperature, alert authorities, and have people 'collected': they could also be armed with stun equipment to 'control' the patient. Dystopian techtopia if ever we could imagine! Notice one meaning of 'grace' is 'regeneration' which has a biotechtopian potential towards transhumanism.
Russel Brand's very apt assessment of Grace
Apophatic discourse
Originally Apophatic discourse emerged from Neoplatonic philosophy to debate ideas of 'The One'. Metaphysical concepts of the divine 'that cannot be said' difficult to express from a religious and and spiritual perspective in any era.
This has some relation to current social engineering where normal human terminologies are being wilfully transformed by new language and denial of the old. With increasing AI influence on language, apophaticism will disassemble because AI cannot have such a human concept, irrelevant to a machine.
Not exactly censorship... BUT we need a similar word to use in the 2020's while we are increasingly being censored for using normal references to humans, to change cultural understanding; both in political documents and the human biosphere; notably for transgenderism. Crucial human natural knowledge of large sections of society are being legally bound to be meaningless by the state, and thereby creating a cultural totalitarianism.
The transhumanists have no religion other than AI, which they state WILL become the 'new religion'. [Harrari quotes]. They will do-away with any idea of a 'one' God or a divine universal unknowable. [Ref links William Blake divinity vs scientism] Science is in such infancy that to reduce the human mind to being comparable to a computer database with no visionary quality is ludicrous. Apophaticism as a metaphysical subject of belief is something profoundly unique to human thought. [more links from book] In a future dystopia educated by AI systems, if we stop accepting 'the unknowable' we will not be in harmony with the universe, nor our future within it, nor may we strive to explore the extent of the human mental capabilities, but we will be very easy to control. Cabal controllers will enjoy AI telling homoborgenesis how to be. Interesting to note from book review that 'apothasis' has become a major humanities topic; (i.e. its likely being measured for scientism).
OXFAM goes WOKE - 'non-disabled'
The 'woke' cult of inclusivity for minorities is being exaggerated via propaganda media, destroying normally acceptable language. Oxfam have a new 'language guide', which states that 'healthy' and 'normal' are WRONG words. The emphasis is slipping towards identify everything in terms of some disability or minority, so that descriptions of 'normal' are not to be used. This is needed for a dystopian, nihilistic culture.
'Androcentrism is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing a masculine point of view at the centre of one's world view, culture and history, thereby culturally marginalizing femininity.'
Its a fact of history that men have activated outcomes for society, because as 'non-breeders', they have been free to change the world (for good or bad). This language appears to be supporting of women, often in a lower societal position than men in some cultures and religions, but its more than that: its to promote transgenderism, their descriptive reason stating "all" genders, rather than just 'both' which would describe two.
Oxfam is supposed to be about supporting areas of famine, where I doubt people in need have any interest in woke propaganda. Its likely Oxfam and other charity organisations have been 'fed' this language guidance by global forces pushing the minority agenda. If charities move away from basic helping of people, they may lose some donors, not wanting to pay towards transgender indoctrinating.
To refer to normal people as 'non disabled' is to imagine that the majority of people ARE disabled, insinuating 'normal and healthy' is a minority'; further, the word 'healthy' is to be avoided. This goes too far to change meaning of dispositions. Truth is being disguised, obfuscated.
I get particularly outraged at the use of words of lovely things being hijacked to use in connection with an opposite meaning; such as for the transhuman agenda, now the word splicers have come up with an horrendous naming: why on earth would anyone choose a herbal flower as a name for an artificial killing system.
'LAVENDER' - change of meaning from tranquility to killing machine.
2024 - Gaza Genocide - Israel's AI 'Lavender' (AI Post) targets thousands - the killer machine: where the most lovely word denoting colour and smell, loved by all, and with herbal essence promoting peace and tranquility, is used for a killing machine.
"During the first weeks of the war, the Lavender system designated about 37,000 Palestinians as targets and directed air strikes on their homes."
"The Lavender machine joins another AI system, “The Gospel,” about which information was revealed in a previous investigation by +972 and Local Call in November 2023, as well as in the Israeli military’s own publications. A fundamental difference between the two systems is in the definition of the target: whereas The Gospel marks buildings and structures that the army claims militants operate from, Lavender marks people — and puts them on a kill list."
There is obviously no respect for the Biblical 'Gospel', or the word wouldn't be used to target building destruction.

We can consider what mechanisms influence behaviour and decision making on language use, from a few of the tendencies and principles below by Carey G. Butler. Pages 5, 11, 12, 13 of his Treatise . ⬇️
'The Puberty of the Human Mind' ~ Carey G butler
Formation Behaviour which becomes automatic through repetition and reinforcement
Subtle indirect suggestions, reinforcements, and small environmental changes
Discourse which is deemed acceptable or politically viable
Techniques of communication to change someone’s actions, attitudes, or beliefs
Subtle exposure to certain concepts, ideas, or stimuli to influence them
Encourage the “coming out” of a desired model behaviour to play self-image against disapproval by others in order to propagate and motivate others to accept, adopt, or retain that behaviour
Propensity to comply with requests or persuasion by people perceived as having authority expertise
Presenting information in a positive or negative frame to influence their perceptions and decisions