False Flag Food
by Amelia Hoskins · Published · Updated

"The Ag-Tech revolution is the unholy alliance of Big Tech, Big Data and Big Ag" ~ Ice Age Farmer
"To understand the meat shortages and push for fake meat, we must appreciate the technocrats' agenda for a totalitarian, transhumanist future -- and use of FOOD as a weapon to achieve it. Christian looks more deeply into the genesis of this agenda, the history of Rockefeller takeover of agriculture and seeds, the more recent marriage of Big Ag and Big Tech ("AgTech"), and the new AI systems being deployed to achieve "perfect information awareness" -- and total control."
Ag-tech - Gates Foundation FIND VIDEO
- (16:45) Gates announced January 2020 that the 'green revolution' was not moving fast enough. This sounds good, but in fact is about moving farming from the countryside to the cities and lab based: obsessional food control.
- He has thrown more money to “Gates Ag-One” to get farmers into high tech. The Ag-Tech revolution is the unholy alliance of Big-Tech, Big-Data and Big-Ag.
“We didn’t think the research was flowing down to the crops that matter most to smallholder farmers is a timeframe that could reach them (…) we needed to accelerate the access to the kinds of product and services that low-income people and smallholder farmers need (…) get the products form the labs into the fields, faster and more massive than before” ~ Bill Gates
'from the labs' = Gene editing plants
Billionaires have been putting their money into realising the dream written by Lord Birkenhead in 1920.
New technology - ’Field View’ owned by ‘Climate corporation’, created by Monsanto. Bayer bought Monsanto to get the predictive analytics data. 'Climate Fieldview' (LINK?) is digital agricultural technology. Total information awareness.
EY global - ‘agribusinesses are working to solidify their place in Ag 3.0' - ‘how the AgTech investment boom will create a Wave of Agriculture Unicorns’ '4.6bn thrown at small startups - the unicorns.
Codex Alimentarius - [LINK... ] Guides and Food Regulations set by UN and WHO.
'The Manifesto on the Future of Food stated that "bureaucracies like the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Codex Alimentarius have codified policies designed to serve the interests of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers"
Methods of producing GMO plants
'In the biolistic method, DNA is bound to tiny particles of gold or tungsten which are subsequently shot into plant tissue or single plant cells under high pressure. The accelerated particles penetrate both the cell wall and membranes. The DNA separates from the metal and is integrated into plant genome inside the nucleus. This method has been applied successfully for many cultivated crops, especially monocots like wheat or maize, for which transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been less successful. The major disadvantage of this procedure is that serious damage can be done to the cellular tissue.'
Meat Reduction
The UN says we must end meat. Fake meat or meat replacement is big business, as listed in this article Redefine Meat, Beyond Meat, Atlast Food, Nova Meat.
Market analyst at Barclays in 2019 estimated that the global market for meat alternatives could reach $140 billion by 2029
Hyroponic Robotic Farming
A large company is funded by Jeff Bezos, planning indoor farms around the world. See WIRED - The Hydroponic Robotic Future of Farming Greenhouses. Chemicals and artificial lights. Giant cricket farms creating millions of crickets 24 hrs a day to replace protein.
Rockefeller took over the medical schools see..
Big pharma took over medicine. Natural remedy knowledge is discouraged by big pharma. Doctors do not learn it. Monsanto bought up all the seed companies: Syngenta, which relates to all of them was purchased by China! (LINK image)
Note: (In UK for instance its is illegal to treat cancer with anything but expensive chemo therapy. David Noakes is in Exeter prison June 2020 for selling GcMAF with successful cure and alleviation rates, now released with people funding lawyer).