Depopulation and Global Predators

Thanks to the many alternative voices and researchers, clues and evidence mounts exposing the agenda of a group of overlords with plans adverse to humanity's success.  The agenda has been written about by elite leaders in the past, which together with the bioweapon release and the toxic treatments, various experts in related fields are agreeing there must indeed be such a plan as depopulation.

We can go back earlier to John Coleman's  The Committee Of 300: [add more ]

(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.

The scientific elites have been writing about genocidal plans for over 100 years, so its incredible to read what they said and to see it apparently in action.  Fairfield Osborn echoed Bertrand Russell and Jonas Salk in believing their should be culling of non beneficial people; in a way as nature might leave the less able by the wayside.  Conferences on eugenics were held openly, whereas now such agenda details are hidden from the public.  Other euphemistic terms are used.

[ADD: library links/writers' quotes - move towards less people needed with robots and transhumanism cult]


We have no idea who is making global decisions.  All our western governments don't act in the interest of their own people, but act for the globalized technocracy: bankers, internet giants and pharma cabal working towards a profit driven biotechtopia, (examined on this website); all involved in being 'Sustainble Partners' with WEF and UN Agendas. [Agenda 30 links]

A 'Human Right' to migration (Compact for Migration and Barcelona Agreement] aren't always advantageous to the indigenous populations of the west (USA and Europe), due to the cultural differences of incomers.  The UN is organising migrational shifts such as at the Darien Gap south of Mexico; where trekers from many countries are cared for on arrival in camps, exhibiting UN signs.  UK welcomes all boats arriving and puts migrants in 4 star hotels.

World Health Organisation is demanding control over pandemics; [see post link].  There is evidence that global mandates for vaccinations has caused millions of unnecessary deaths following Covid outbreak. [See vaccines link]

Todd Callender  vaccine lawyer, gave evidence to The Republic of Croatia Parliament on The Weaponization of Public Health  : that there was an existing framework agreed in 1994 at the UN Cairo Population Accords to reduce global depopulation: some say by 7bn.  The Georgia Guide Stones stated the ideal population to be 500 million.  One solution to crowded cities is redistribution of people [p.75 UN Cairo Accords], through migration to Europe and America or to somehow cause reduction.

"Global governance is above government level".  With reference to lockdowns and mandated vaccinations, "Every country had their laws changed, for weaponisation of public health, with no recourse in the courts.  US military made the vaccine and hired the vax companies with military equipment."  [Documented BARDA add Latypova link].  "Countries’ laws were changed over time to surrender their rights within all normal governance issues".  This relates to observations on pandemic vaccine programs, "in furtherance of safety", and has now peaked with a coming legal mandate for WHO to globally dictate medical treatments under conditions of 'pandemic'.  Todd requests outlawing of synthetic technology, gene modification of CRISPR-Cas-9 system.  His legal proof of homo borgiensis is yet another arm of the depopulation agenda.

Another professional expert, Mike Yeadon, ex Research chief at Pfizer, is convinced there's an agenda to kill.

"The design in every case was to bring toxicity and harm in human beings.”

He explains @56:04 As the Last Bell Tolls why the treatments are a very bad design, with obvious intention of harm.  mRNA vaccines encode a protein sequence but not our proteins; they don't belong in our body. If infected, our body goes to war and starts to manufacture something that does not belong in our body, and kills all cells which have taken up that protein. By design.
Yeadon encountered products at Pfizer as anti-cancer treatments. ‘immune oncology’ treatment, which is not suitable for healthy people, as it would induce an auto-immune attack. Immunology 101!  They all knew.
Spike proteins are not inert, but biologically active in their own right. Being biological toxins, if you add them to human blood it begins to coagulate. Instructions caused manufacturing of something not natural that would create blood clots.  Design choice was dangerous.

Spike protein somewhat similar to vital proteins in pregnancy, but immune system could start attacking own pregnant uterus, which came true.  Some are novel and known to be toxic. They surround and protect foreign genetic sequence! They were ‘hidden’ by the lipid nanoparticles to go all around the body. They were known 10 yrs a go to accumulate in the ovaries; so there seems an obvious intention of causing neonatal death or sterility.

Yeadon is clear the action is malevolent, potentially harmful, and is not going away. We will lose freedom first then our lives.

Some populations planners