Author: Amelia Hoskins

AI Superorganism

Image credit:  Nate Hagens video – One Ring To Rule Them All #Frankly 45 Hagens’s video uses imagery to express his idea of the  “SUPERORGANISM” ...

Vaccine Cell Lines

Image from slideshow: Dr Judy Mikovits PhD: virologist who exposes truths about vaccines.   She made groundbreaking studies on how HIV didn’t cause AIDS. INFECTION...

Scorched Earth

Fires, fires everywhere, but not necessarily natural. First clues were melted car wheel hubs in California fires 2018, and trees which burn from the inside. ...

AI Scepticism

Will the world go to sleep? A.I. CEOs and experienced experts are coming out with concerns over the speed of development.  Recent videos by  Geoff...


If this is the best they can do, we needn’t worry about transhumanism, just yet! Lauren talks to Harrison Smith of Infowars….. explains the ridiculous...