Smart Cities
by Amelia Hoskins · Published · Updated

Artistic impression: utopian desert city
Billionaires plan new city: Telosa - from Greek ‘Telos’ - highest purpose.
Telosa, a utopian city dream of technocrat elites, funded by shopping cart billionaires. Language subversion - language misappropriation
Winter 2022 - Travel Restrictions. Oxford, UK, has introduced bylaws limiting travel longer than 15 mins outside the city to 150 times per year. £70 fine if breached. (This is part of the drive to reduce CO2 emissions for the big climate hoax agenda). Incredible that such dictatorial power is allowed to run amok in England.

All world regions will be re-engineered into 30 gigantic mega cities, after monopoly capitalism has destroyed itself.
Revolutionary technologies will create rootless consumers who will be more malleable to live in megacities. (mobile obsession) entertained by gamification of society and propaganda through sports.
Global technocracy will control with 'watchers' by nano tech surveillance through insurance and health care linked to body biotech (Covid-nano-vax).
Megalopolis Cities
[Add Mark's screenshots from UKC Dec 19th]. and LINE cities in desert
100 Resilient cities – Rockefeller Foundation
Building Resilient cities: 7 Points For Action
Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund
Resilient cities promotion with emphasis on climate change disasters, and helping the poor which is never actually realised by globalist foundations. they are in fact a 'Human capital bond market'.
"Smart Cities", the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"
Alison McDowell studies the plans of technocracy and traces their actions designed around full control.

Pay for Success Panopticon – data circles of control – Alison Mcdowell
Powerpoint from Alison McDowell ‘Smart Cities’
“Human capital bond market.” Poverty management as investment opportunity. Social welfare net comes with medical geo fencing programs to track you as an investment. They are inventing ways to secure debt product. Wealth has only become more concentrated, and technology more sophisticated. You are a debt burden on society, based on your genomics, home, parents attainments, etc. pre=-crime predictions. Their games are fictions. (Blackstone took over in 2009) All embedded in managing poverty. New economy is to replace humans with systems. Like a parasite they need to learn us, then kill us.
Singapore - Synthetic City
Technocracy News article: Singapore is Turning into a Surveillance State Nightmare