Global Governance Nazi Fortunes

Image Credit New York Times 2022. Opinion: 'They are the heirs of Nazi fortunes and they aren't apologising'

Nazi money funds the WEF partnerships for global governance

How does this man contribute to today's global leadership programs?

Ben Rubin's news piece for UKColumn 21.10.24, (images below) shows the connections with how the global control mob see democracy.  Daniel Sachs Foundation talks of 'Radical Centrism' which Rubin calls "authoritarianism". His 'new democracy' is run by WEF Young Global Leaders "a naked global power grab".   Leading figures are women: Robyn Scott funded by Bill Gates - CEO of 'apolitical'  for civil servants, and Lisa Witter CEO of 'apolitical foundation' aimed at politicians. Topics covered for courses offered are all typical of global sustainable partnerships; such as climate, AI, equity, health etc.

Building 21st Century Governments

apolitical  received $5 million grant from and further funding from Rockefeller Foundation to train one million civil servants in AI.  (not a huge fund)  An AI campus will embed AI into government structures; (partnered with Cabinet Office).

In other words, an AI central, run by people who are merely 'trained' in AI, will make government decisions; within the global government. We already know AI can be run with agendas built in!  A controller's dream!  Civil servants 'trained' in AI will be using it ONLY in the implementation of a global agenda.

Already we see nations' governments not acting in the interest of the people, but takin orders from global organisations. (Example: no governmental discussions on vaccine injuries while contracted by pharma and Departments of Defence not to discuss; also unlimited immigration). Daily we see governments acting as part of a global spider web rather than in their citizens' interests.  World government is already HERE.

New political leaders will run the global system from local academies, including AI run governments, apparently from London!

Commonly known global pharma and political organisations' funding behind global governance.

Women are being used at the forefront, as 'trustable' soft leaders.  Lisa Witter held a Responsible Leaders Innovation Forum at BMW Foundation, and is friends with Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, President of the Club of Rome, which has been making global decisions for decades; a proponent of the depopulation agenda. (1972 Book: Limits to Growth) based on a computer simulation.

Women are pushed to the fore more and more as main speakers.  Normally fine for equality of opportunity in work, but the males appear to be more as onlookers, rather than having equal status; while the women are given the top positions.  Its likely their mission controllers are utilising their ambitious feminist quest for equity in the male domain (especially if indoctrinated with cultural marxism from academia).

The BMW Foundation is run by Stefan Quandt, a WEF Global Leader of Tomorrow.  BMW was originally acquired by his father, Herbert Quandt (d.1982) a known Nazi who ran death camps!

Stefan Quandt has a company which specialises in digital identities!  I.D. cards, numbers, tattoos.

"They're an evolution of the same systems that Quandt family developed and managed in Nazi concentration camps"  - Ben Rubin

[to be continued...  Klaus Schwab/WEF.  His father's factory for WWII chemical warfare]

[...the Nazis are still in power]