by Amelia Hoskins · Published · Updated

Reductionist Beginnings
“the mechanical arts may be turned either way and serve as well for the cure as for the hurt and have power for the most part to dissolve their own spell.”
~ Francis Bacon - 'The Wisdom of the Ancients' 1609
“Diet, injections and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce the kind of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities will consider desirable and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”
~ Bertrand Russell - 'Impact of Science on Society' 1950
"It should be obvious that many if not all of these developments raise ethical questions, from the risk of financial manipulation and cybercrime to the invasion of privacy and social control."
~ John Lennox- '2084 and The AI Revolution' 2024
I started enquiring into when and why science went astray on my site Resonant Visions, highlighting artist William Blake's earnest belief that science was running amok with too much measuring and quantifying rather than involving more harmony of metaphysics. A continuation of the 'scientific era' has brought intensive developments of chemical processes and contamination of natural environments, which seemed an important cause to protest about until pharmageddon. Most people believed the science of our medically developed civilization until SARS-Cov-2 caused bedlam with 'scientists' declaring knowledge of 'THE science' and 'trust THE science' while presiding over a genocide by bioweapon and inoculation of genetically engineered nanotech. Dystopia ARRIVED on planet Earth. We live their science fiction. Looking at things now, it seems poet Blake was right to be concerned.
Various writers from the WWII era such as H G Wells, Bertrand Russell and Jacques Attali, among others, are known for advocating material reductionist science, even eugenics, leading to a dystopian one world government future. Those plans are being implemented by Klaus Schwab of WEF, and the United Nations. Biotech tyranny is here, while pharmaceutical and big tech industries profit billions.
Jay Dyer on ‘The Scientific Outlook’ – Bertrand Russell
Jay describes main points of Russell's "Grand materialistic narrative"
"Russell is an example of reductionistic, naturalistic determinism and the "evolutionary" process of societies toward a single new world order government where life is regulated from womb to tomb by cybernetics and mass genetic control and experimentation, as well as the extermination of much of the population. Russell was a fraud and a propagandist, not a philosopher." ~ Jay Dyer
"Propagandist for scientism. Pragmatism and relativism. The state becomes God. Fundamental beliefs of science all based on Scientism. Most people think science is whatever a bunch of scientists say. Russell plays the liberal. Natural corollary to evolutionary processes. Royal Society or Fabian society. All adopt radical depopulation agenda." JD
- “Birth control not the only way to bring down depopulation.....Perhaps bacteriological war would prove more effective. Survivors should procreate freely without making the world too full” ~ Essay (War and Population 1957)
"A scientific society cannot be stable without a world government. The world will have achieved a new stability, but at the cost of everything that gives value to human life. We going to have to bring down numbers!" JD
Summary Notes
- Dark ages- Galileo and Freud heroes of new age. (But they were propagandised to be the fathers of modernity)
- Zionists based on a weird Hermeticism.
- Scientific technique for controlling mankind's mind. Bell rings in school, time for breaks.
- ‘No telos, no purpose in nature.’ To give a new metaphysics of radical materialism. We cannot observe thoughts, history etc., through a microscope. self refuting absurdity.
- Dogma he thought is not worthy unless given by the scientific State. ~ Jay "Hard core relativism".
- Predicts GMO babies. P.36 We can control evolution. Engineers like giant biotech companies or food companies will be able to tweak DNA, to bring down races of the world; to achieve a sustainable level of population. P.126 of his book: children and infants can be lab rats for jab experiments [same as Salk].
- Heroes of modernity delete past heroes. Hollywood and scientists are new high priests. They write the real plans into science fiction films. Study mutations to lead into god man evolutions. Doctor Moreau - H G Wells - is an allegory for genetic engineering.
- Multifarious definitions of science and scientific method, often contradictory. A tool for investigating the natural world. We cannot observe thoughts, history etc., through a microscope: self refuting absurdity.
[Quotes below from this video with extra Dyer responses taken from other video notes.]
- 'Science is just progress'
Jay: "How does quantitative measure give you value judgements? Good or bad, better or lesser, those are metaphysical claims".
Most people think science is whatever a bunch of scientists say.
- 'Scientific knowledge is of general laws and facts'
Jay: "Assumes they exist in external world, which Russell later says they do not"
"There's a confusion between TECHNE and SCIENTIFIC METHOD: a consistent fallacy of those engaging in scientism." 'The fundamental beliefs of science and science itself, the scientific method cannot be demonstrated."
- 'Science is power of manipulating nature’
Jay: "Is that engineering? Later he says science and engineering are exactly the same".
Russell says move onto the entire biosphere; master the weather and control storms etc.
Terraforming - geoengineering. He calls it a ‘great work’. 'When bio warfare and feeding science is mastered, we have the means to engineer and set in place technocracy'. [Started 2020!]Feed planet with fake food he predicted - Synthetic food will be given to the masses. GM will save the world; allow us to feed the world. [Cloaked in humanitarian garb language;“social moral warfare” “soft power”.
- ‘Science is merely inductive methodology’
Jay: "No when you presuppose some act of deduction, no such thing as completely inductive".
- 'The scientific method is almost omnipotent'.
Jay: "sounds like a religion" [my thought: methods evolve over aeons so no one-time science can be omnipotent: its debatable if it is headed in a direction towards knowing all]
- 'Scientific knowledge does not stand alone but only exists in general body of scientific knowledge'. P.37
Jay: "Exactly, no such thing as a brute fact; it requires some context of data. A body of scientific opinion or data is not fact. Its ‘Scientism". It presupposes metaphysical claims which cannot be verified empirically"
- 'Science is in decay due to radical scepticism and quantum physics’.
Jay: "Why? He means assumptions of materialism is in decay."
- ‘Geometry has no real relation to the external world!’ [we learn about the world and the cosmos via mathematics].
- Reason involved with science is merely a social construct of evolutionary survival mechanism’.
P.103 [Russell may be thinking of his own globalist plans for depopulation and control - science as a tool for power, not sublime investigation]
‘Death is merely a positive result of all evolutionary processes’
Jay: "Russell thinks that Minds and souls and persons don’t really exist, just determined chemical reactions. Free will is an illusion he's dogmatic about. Choice and creativity is illusory, as is yourself. If thats the case, that because of all determined causal reactions, everything we do is merely a product of mind determined causal chains: [however nothing is random, so there could be truth in that] then his book is merely a chemical reaction of determined mindless process. It tells you nothing about the real world - the conclusion of his dogma. Russell sees the scientific method as a kind of specialist mysticism, hidden and removed from the average man; where the specialist knows all these things and can never convey that. So scientific method is the true religion, because of the Specialists! [continued to Part II...]
[Jay Dyer has studied philosophy of science at grad level]
‘Impact of Science on Society’
Part II.
‘Impact of Science on Society’ by Bertrand Russell
20 yrs after The Scientific Outlook' nothing different: Jay says rehash of 1931 book.
"Under the guise of “SCIENCE” and “REASON” we see the obvious scam of globalism, technocracy and a call for the absolute necessity of a one world order based on fear-porn, peak oil and other such nonsense like climate disasters – far prior to the Club of Rome. Russell was a buffoon and a fraud and it is evident in this talk, as well as the previous talk on Scientific Outlook. The supposed “democrat” and man of the people was not only a lying deceiver, he called for mass genocide and re-education of all who still believed in God, family and nation. Russell was a maniac.'" ~ Jay Dyer
"The Royal Society is big part in planning: where we get modern think tanks, modern world views, scientism. To the outside world he played role of liberal. He is perfect example of someone promoting democracy, but favouring oligarchy. Liberalism is fodder for the idiot reader, while he promotes global control. He’s not interested in truth but in control. Playing role of liberal while being a rabid Malthusian." ~ Jay Dyer
Ch.1 Science and Tradition:
- No clear definition of what science is: a book of propaganda. JD
“Science is superior to tradition because it is observable” [Only the measuring quantifying aspect. We cannot know ancient knowledge was not superior?]
- God of the Old Testament is mean and savage: but modern mass sacrifice for the state is fine.
"Priests would trick people in ancient world, saying they had magic power." [so they do with vaccines!]. Freemasonoic Royal Society and scientific occultism has saved us from savagery?! How many millions killed by the state? Modern hospital comes out of Christian civilization. Now that we’ve got rid of gods we can become gods! Why do they always echo Satan and Genesis all of them? He doesn’t like Christian philosophy and Bible, as 'mean': unless its the technocratic state. Ancient world believed in portents, magic: but now scientists want to download 'humans'." [biodigital convergence]
- Science is a philosophy'
"Oh, he said it was just observation of natural world? Now it becomes a dogmatic world view!"
- Earth is not the centre of the universe so man has no purpose. No purpose in nature; no purpose in our lives'
"No purpose in our sentences. You can’t remove TELOS from the external world, and then say there is Telos in his book!"
- ‘Social Darwinism’
"...applying Darwin’s theories to society which gives the technocratic elite the power to control people. P. 141, 2, 3 [check] will have to use a soft power to incrementally bring it in. They thought of the turtle bringing things in slowly. Toxic culture will produce uniformity. (as Atalli said) Hollywood is raising a high priest of ‘Hollywood religion’.
"Darwin said no rights of man, because none are equal. Therefore Social Darwinism - evolution disproves egalitarianism.
Do progressives advocate racial theories of Darwinism? Russell said Darwin proves equalitarianism."
[See: Tim Caley talk on SALK and Koestler]
Ch. 2. Science born of Magic
"Oh, I thought we had to throw that away, but now its good because the philosophers’ stone which Hermeticicists sought, got us to find meaningless natural laws’. Bait and switch ideas."
'War machine, an engine of progress, brought technology. Must stop growth of Russian population. Worried about Russia. Cold war to destroy Russia. P. 27. Capitalism and Communism are run by these people. The Royal Society is running the dialectic. P.31. Scientific technique of society will become all pervasive because of rise of capitalism. H.G. Wells said the thing they want will be brought by capitalism. International law will have to be put in place to get rid of nationalism." [2020s censorship against national flags and censorship of those speaking out against migrant invasions]
"It will have to use techniques to make people believe opposite of what is true. P.30. Taking you into the scientific dictatorship, be made to believe absurd things, why? To degrade you, debase you. make you crazy." [PRIDE propaganda. Transgender cult and interventions on children's identities]
"Create fake environmental movement - resource war - food shortage - global government controlled by food and GMOs. All can be done through pomp, not logic. Use Brass bands and music. Pavlov and Freud. [2025 New Years parade in London]. P.29. Coerce everyone into the need for a single world government."
- ‘If we could understand the inner mind, we must master the inner mind’ (Huxley, Russel)
"leading to MK Ultra, Tavistock Inst.) The way is through physical control of the mind. Operating conditioning and behaviourism." "Jose Delgardo - Physical Control of the Mind. Wanted to control for the CIA; total control of the mind."
Ch. 3 Oligarchy
"Will use scientific opinion to control the world. Oligarchies create child spies who inform on their parents. Democracy and free labour were there to stop dictatorships, but actually scientific dictatorship will replace all the democracies.
"They will engage in weather control. P.49, control the jet stream. 'scientific societies are still in their infancies and it may be worth while thinking about how scientific oligarchies will use scientific technique'. [preparation for scientific dictators like WHO and CDC]
“Diet, injections and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce the kind of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities will consider desirable and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.”
"Ideas on Aztecs and cannibalism made sense to keep order."
"Children will be taken and reared by the state under scientific technique. P.51. We will use selective breeding. They will evolve and devolve into two different species, the Eloi and Morlocks. Everyone will worship the state and they will do away wit family. You will have no rights except to follow the state. "
"The plan outlined is complete technocracy; same principles as H G Wells, because they are all on board with same plan. Nations state must end - no more borders - international body - Global gov - UN comes to take place. MONOpolistic Capitalism will lead to a kind of localised technocratic world government."
"Hegel as an example said that the state was the 'march of God in history whatever the state says will be good'. Metaphysical speculation will not be allowed."
"Altering man through diet, injections and injunctions will significantly change population.GMO babies and world state will regulate ever aspect of everyone’s lives. Control of food is key: this is why everybody looks like retards now, and big old fat transgender weirdos, is because Bertrand Russell said I get to control the food and mutate people through the food so here it is!"
"He talked about all this Malthusian republic stuff - (oh but but trust me I'm a liberal - you know we're not actually going to allow this, you know we don't want this really) - Here's all the New World Order plan but don't worry because we have democracies."
Scientism has been promoted through Hollywood.
Holywood would bring about the liberalisation to the whole world. Process them into global gov without them even knowing. (Jay wrote a thesis on it.) Moves from agreeing to mono culture, to planned transhumanism. Pop culture will teach religion of transhumansim. The state cult will initiate people into the fake religion, a cloak for the inner scientific control mechanism which is using religion as a profane outer portico for the masses.
H G Wells films. "Pop science propaganda". Target Russian population because their Christian religion is holding things back. Wells worked with Frankfurt School and CIA to promote degeneracy in the arts. East and West must come together in 3rd way. Scientific technocracy which merges. He predicts Monsanto, test tube babies years prior to Brave New World. 'Lenin is the model!!!!!' "
Ch. 4 Democracy [ to be continued]
[added notes from extra Private Subscription analysis]
Bertrand Russell is the mastermind of synthetic science. Norbert Weiner who studied under Russell, developed work through to interactive nervous systems - trying to reprogram the brain.
'The Human use of Human Beings - Cybernetics and Society' - 'Circular causal and feedback mechanisms in biological and social systems' ~ The Minds of Men. (3 hr video MK Ultra program history)
[Add Notes]
John Lennox is also concerned: a mathematician with a sound grasp of the working philosophy needed. In his book: 2084 and the AI Revolution, he quotes Ian McGilchrist who argues that in consequence of the Enlightenment, the Western academy has been dominated by the left hemisphere which has mesmerized us to think that its mechanistic, reductionist, scientific, manipulative approach - grabbing, getting and controlling - gives us the whole picture of reality. Consequently we have become blind to the integrative, holistic perspective of right hemisphere, which would give us understanding. Lennox explains the limitations of AI in his books.
AI is developing predominantly fast as the technotronic backbone of 'new science': pharmaceuticals and bioweapons, according to funding directions by ambitious players and power hungry corporations. This has led to our current corporatocracy and technocracy run world, controlling (in various large conurbations) a shallow society for some, which has absorbed consumerism and entertainment like a religion. Pharma even had raz-ma-taz adverts for its inoculations in US, which shouldn't be.